Monday, August 3, 2009

Next if your Big screen TV to Be A Plasma HDTV?

This article examines the various options for a large screen TV and new and future technologies Plasma HDTV.

Looking for a new TV? There are many different technology choice for your next big screen TV. Currently one of the best and most popular items is a plasma HDTV. But how do you know which model is right for you? Here are some brief descriptions of the CRT technology, LCD, plasma HDTV and projectors, so it's best options for your next big screen TV.CRT TV

May, although it is not as high technology, a plasma HDTV, you can still have a big screen TV with the ray tube cell cathode-ray tube (CRT) technology (small cathode ray tubes, after the creation of color images) also known as the Live name - television. CRT is the technical basis for the television and everyone knows who is the most abundant. Even if they are large and are not the same quality of images, including emerging technologies, CRT's always a good color, with a long life, the rooms are bright and are available for reasonable price. CRT monitors are available in large-screen flat-panel displays and options. Cathode ray tubes are on a permanent basis with an image quality that is not dissolved. A CRT is a good economical choice. In cases where the plasma HDTV will be more convenient for the future, the CRT TV probably extinct.


Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) consists of two polarizing film screens with a solution of liquid crystal in the center, located in a state between liquid and solid. LCD is flat and easily what the LCD technology popular for laptop and some desktop monitors. The main disadvantage of this type of TV is the description of the scale (40 inches). The LCD screen is a good choice if you are not interested in a big screen.

Plasma HDTV

Plasma HDTV is one of the best and most impressive technologies on the market today. The plasma is composed of small cells, the plasma gas with the correct voltage for a picture. It uses digital technology to a higher resolution than the television cathode ray tube. Plasma screens can be produced with a resolution to watch HDTV. As of now, Plasma HDTV is still on display to see the black, which means you will have better contrast and image. They also have a better viewing angle of LCD screens.

The plasma HDTV not only offers a higher image quality, but it is so smooth and elegant. These screens are flat and light (but not easy, as the LCD) and can be hung on the wall like a painting and not just in the size of the screen that the other models. This new technology is still very expensive.


Projectors, although not technically TV, popular on the big screen experience. Headlamps quality gives a good image, and are for movies or games. However, you must have a white wall or screen and the lights are colored gray or look away from the spotlight is weak.

With a better understanding of CRT technology, LCD, plasma HDTV and projectors can be a better decision about this type of large TV screen that you want. With so much choice, it is important to know that what you have chosen. If you are serious about your experience with the TV ad, you receive the plasma HDTV for your next big screen TV. This will give you a clear picture on the whole election.