Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The New Widescreen Television Could Worsen Your Photo

During a 1-to-1 training session this morning, my client told me that he would like a little 'to help choose a new TV. He told me that he had DIRECTV but wanted to make sure that in his new television time for the transition to digital television next February.

I told him flat that there is no need for him to add a new TV.

This is when he said he thought that any new TV. As frustrated as I have is that this message is still the man, I did my duty as the founder of Noobir and patiently explained that my client is already receiving digital television via its satellites. In fact, DIRECTV has been all digital from the first day of the market.

Then he asked how it could be the only digital TV on your old [analog] television. I explained that your satellite receiver has already been established as a digital / analog, which is why everything was honkey Dorey long.

New TV, Satellite existing

My clients thought that what I said, but then told me that he could still be pursued as a new television, so that would have the latest and best features.

I tried not a Downer, but it has been difficult. Now had to explain that to my clients because they do not high-definition signals from DIRECTV, you may actually more disappointed with a new TV. This is because the image he receives from DIRECTV is still the traditional 4:3 aspect ratio, or "square" TV screen. In view of current space or for a new 16:9 "widescreen" television, which was to do one of the following:

* Sit down with black bars on the left and right side of the image (the so-called "pillar box)
* Use your TV or satellite receiver tract ways to stretch the square picture, the resulting wide-screen televisions in each examined the short and stumpy on screen
* Use your TV or receiver of satellite zoom mode to enlarge the photo on the site until they comply with the large TV screen so that the cut at the top and bottom of the photo.

Or, I said my client was able to spend more money on an upgrade to high definition with a package from DIRECTV and enjoy a beautiful high definition picture ... some time. The rest of the time, when TV shows were still in standard definition, would be again the list of decisions.

Right now, my clients begging for another option. I looked at him, smiled and said, "Sure. Just stick with everything now."